As a Texas driver, you are required to carry auto insurance. Fortunately, your choices, when it comes to auto insurance, are many. Aside from the state auto insurance minimums, or the legal requirements that must be met, you have many choices and perhaps additional requirements that you may need to meet. However, these decisions can best be made with the help of a Southwest Insurance Center team member. Our Austin, TX agents are here to serve you.
Personal Auto Insurance Coverage
Fortunately, personal auto insurance coverage affords Texas drivers a wealth of different coverage options that can be tailored to their unique situation. For example, if you are leasing your car or have a car loan, you may be required by your lender to carry full auto insurance or comprehensive auto insurance. This type of coverage not only covers liability for property damage and bodily injury to others, but it covers your car as well. This is protection for the lender in the event that something happens to your car before it’s paid off. This ensures that the lender will receive financial compensation for the car.
Other Considerations…
Best yet, if you own your car outright, but still want to purchase additional coverage, you can. Perhaps you want to purchase coverage beyond the state minimum requirements or additional coverage in the event that your car is totaled. Personal auto insurance affords Texas drivers many options that can be tailored to fit their unique situation. However, the guidance of a Southwest Insurance Center agent can be beneficial when it comes to making decisions about your personal auto insurance coverage. Give us a call. We’re here to answer questions and guide the decision-making process. We can make recommendations regarding liability, medical payment coverage, comprehensive, and collision coverage.