If you are a professional house sitter, then you know the rewards that accompany your job. You get the benefit of living in a nice home while the owners are away. An added benefit is the fact that you temporarily live for free. There aren’t too many professions that give you the ability to live in prestigious homes for free on a regular basis.
Although house sitting is nice, there are some dangers that come along with the profession. At Southwest Insurance Center, we want you to be safe while you are working hard at your job. Before your next assignment, keep the following safety tips in mind.
Always know what to do during a weather-related disaster. You should know where the first aid kits and flashlights are, just in case you need to use them.
Know where the fire extinguishers are in the home. Fires are one of the many threats to you while you are house sitting. When you take the time to learn where the extinguishers are, you reduce the chance of fires getting out of your control and threatening you and the home.
Learn how to use the intrusion system effectively. Most alarm systems include the ability to press a button and reach emergency services. If you know this, and you know how to use the system, then you could potentially save your life during an intrusion.
Know some defensive moves for your protection. There may be a time when you have to protect yourself from an intruder. If you know a few defensive moves, you could prevent an intruder from overtaking you.
At Southwest Insurance Central, our goal is to ensure you are safe, including when you are driving. You can visit our website to learn more about our auto insurance products.