Most business owners understand the need to acquire insurance, but may not be aware of all their coverage options. Business insurance is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s important to understand what’s available to create a package that best suits your business.
Three Types of Liability – Not all liability insurance is the same. There are three primary types: general, product, and professional. General covers accidents that occur within your business, product covers unexpected injuries that emerge from product defects, and professional is oriented towards service-oriented businesses providing work with mistakes, errors, or other forms of negligence.
Business Interruption Insurance – Disasters happen. If your business is suddenly rendered unable to operate, this coverage ensures the bills you’d normally incur will be covered during the time it takes for you to get back on your feet.
Key Person Insurance – If your business relies heavily on the skills and assets of a particular individual whose loss would be catastrophic to your income, consider acquiring this type of coverage, which offsets the loss of an important individual due to disability or death.
Data Breach Insurance – With data breaches becoming ever more common, and more companies storing sensitive customer data electronically, this insurance is vital. It can help a company take preventative measures to avoid data breaches and handle any consequences that arise from a data breach.
Commercial Umbrella Insurance – For the unexpected moments, umbrella insurance covers the things you can’t foresee and don’t have coverage for elsewhere.
The best way to build a package appropriate for your business is to talk directly to skilled insurance professionals, like those at Southwest Insurance Center, Inc in Austin, TX. They can discuss your business and its unique needs and recommend a solid package that protects your vital assets and insulates your business from the unexpected. Email an agent today for a quote.