Auto insurance policies are required to prove that you can pay for an accident if it should happen. An auto policy has several different kinds of coverage, each giving you a different type of protection. Call us at Southwest Insurance Center in Austin, TX when you need auto insurance.
Bodily Injury Liability
This is a type of required coverage in your auto insurance. This is what pays for someone else’s medical bills after you’ve been in an accident with them. Bodily injury liability can save you a lot of money in medical bills when someone else is injured.
Property Damage Liability
If you damage someone else’s property during an accident, this coverage will pay for that damage. You may damage another person’s vehicle, or you may cause damage to landscaping or a building. This type of coverage is also required for you to have. This protects others on the road in case you have an accident with them.
Comprehensive Coverage
This type of coverage covers your vehicle in case it has a problem when it isn’t being driven. There are a lot of risks that a vehicle faces when it’s parked. It’s important to have this coverage in case something should happen to it.
Collision Coverage
This coverage protects you in case you get into an accident, and damage is done to your vehicle. If you cause an accident and have vehicle damage, this can be extremely expensive to repair. With collision coverage, those repairs can be paid for by the policy.
Get Auto Insurance Quotes in Austin!
You can be subject to numerous fines and fees when you don’t have auto insurance. You also leave yourself at great financial risk. Call us at Southwest Insurance Center in Austin, TX, when you need auto insurance.