When you get your home and auto insurance, many different kinds of coverage are wrapped up in each policy. These include other types of liability coverage. If you own a home and have home insurance and auto insurance, you might still not have as much coverage as you need. For many people, getting umbrella insurance is a great way to supplement their other policies better and better protect themselves. Call us at Southwest Insurance Center in Austin, TX when you need more coverage.
Liability Coverage
If you have home and auto insurance, both come with a set amount of liability coverage. This type of coverage pays the other party in an accident you’re responsible for. For instance, if someone has an accident in your home, you are responsible for the many bills they could have due to that accident. The same is true when your vehicle causes an accident in which someone gets injured. Having home and auto insurance is a good start, but it isn’t likely that you have enough liability coverage for a severe accident. That’s why so many people choose to get an umbrella policy. It gives you more liability coverage for both of these insurance policies.
Paying for Overages
When an accident happens, the first thing that will happen is that your home or auto insurance company will make an assessment and pay for the accident up to the maximum amounts on the policies. When you have umbrella insurance, that’s the point when this policy steps in. If you still owe bills after the first policy has reached its maximum, your umbrella insurance will pay the rest.
Get Umbrella Insurance in Austin, TX
Call us at Southwest Insurance Center in Austin, TX if you want an umbrella policy for better protection.