Do you have an auto policy and a home policy? If you have both policies, you might not have the coverage you need for serious accidents. It’s essential to be able to pay for an expensive accident that has injuries. Your home and auto policies will each have some liability coverage. However, they might not have very much. Many policies have enough for an accident that doesn’t have expensive injuries. However, many can’t pay for one that does. That’s why you may need umbrella insurance. Call us at Southwest Insurance Center in Austin, TX to find out more.
Adding More Coverage
When you already have a home and an auto policy, you add to your coverage by getting umbrella insurance. It adds extra liability coverage to both policies so that you’re far better covered in a serious and expensive accident. With umbrella insurance in place, you can have better peace of mind. You’ll know that even if there is a serious accident, your finances don’t have to be wiped out by it. Trying to pay for an accident when your insurance doesn’t measure up can be highly difficult for most people.
How It Works
When you have an umbrella policy, it comes in after the first policy does. So, your auto or home policy would respond first to the accident and pay as much as it can toward the accident. Once it reaches its limit, though, it would have to leave the rest to you. When you have umbrella insurance, it comes in to pay for the amount that’s left. Umbrella policies have enormous maximum payouts and don’t cost much money. They’re known for being a cost-effective way to get more coverage.
Get Umbrella Insurance
Call us at Southwest Insurance Center in Austin, TX when you need coverage.